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Unroll a section of mesh along a straight section of panel. Ensure that one edge of the mesh is level against the top lip of the panel.
Insert a nylon solar clip through the mesh and secure it against the inside lip of the panel.
Using the supplied nylon washer pull the mesh tight against the side of the panel and cut off any excess clip. Repeat this process of inserting and securing clips down the length of the panel at even intervals
Ensure there is sufficient overlap between the two pieces of mesh. This may occur when completing a single kit installation or when joining two kits together.
Secure the overlapped section in place with a nylon clip and a series of cable ties closer to the roof level.
Cut up the mesh in line with the corner, ensure the cut is high enough to allow you to bend the mesh 90 degrees. Once the mesh is bent and positioned against the other side of the solar panel, secure it in place with a nyln clip and washer.
By creating the bend you will also have potentially created a gap in the mesh. Using a piece of off-cut mesh secure this in place over the gap using the cable ties provided.
Cut up the mesh at the corner high enough to allow you to bend the mesh 90 degrees back on itself. This will allow you to fold the mesh back on itself and it should then rest on the roof.
Once the mesh is bent and positioned against both sides of the solar panel, secure it in place with a nylon clip and washer on either side. Where the mesh is folded on itself secure it with cable ties.
Position the mesh against the mount and cut out three sides of the mesh to fit closely over the panel mount. Secure the mesh in place on both sides of the mount using the nylon clips.
Complete this process the whole way around your solar panel installation until the mesh is secured to all edges.